Inter-club Pop Band Competition Results
Unfortunately, That day, 12th Dec, only has 3 bands
competing. That's why there's no more " TOP 3 " thingy.
If there's " TOP 3 " thingy, all the 3 bands can go
on the Stage together.. LOL
That day, my band plays 1 song and I am the vocalist.
I will keep the name of the song a secret
as I want those who are coming to our club concert
in May to listen to a different singing style [=
Most likely, my band will be able to perform
in the May Club Concert as we did quite alright
in the challenge and our club is considering to
let us perform...
On 12th Dec, We have:
ONE intermediate Pop Band
--> By intermediate Rdra and 3 Seniors
TWO Junior Pop Bands
--> By the Band name of " ELite 4 " from the
TEam RocKet of Pokemon series, together with
My Band (sorry, we
haven't thought of a band name... )
The Winner : INTERMEDIATE Band
Second : My Pop Band
Third : TEAm RockEt "Elite 4"
Hope to see alot of people coming to
our club concert ! =D